The reporting of observed misconduct and the rates at which retaliation occur are among the most fundamental indicators of the state of integrity in the workplace and the overall health of an organization’s culture. Organizations with strong ethics cultures empower their employees to report misconduct and make it clear that retaliation against reporters is never tolerated. In order to assess the state of ethics cultures around the world, the 2019 GBES examined six specific types of misconduct.

Among these six types of misconduct, globally employees were most likely to indicate that they observed:

  1. Conflicts of interest (27%); and
  2. Abusive behavior (25%).

In contrast, employees in Africa and the Middle East and Europe observed the reverse among the top two with abusive behavior most frequently observed and conflicts of interest second. Globally, employees were least likely to observe sexual harassment (13%).

Overall, the data show that since 2017 there has not been a meaningful change in the rates at which employees observe the most common types of misconduct. In 2017, based on surveying employees in the same 18 countries, 26% of employees observed conflicts of interest and 26% of employees observed abusive behavior.

Find out more in an all-new Global Business Ethics Survey today.

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By: ECI Staff